What To Feed Stray Cats:(6 delicious & Safe options)

stray cat

Stray cats are often forgotten, overlooked or neglected by our society. They do not receive the care they actually deserve. We human beings will never understand the numerous challenges they have to face each and every day for food and water. Ensuring their nutritional needs are met is an act of compassion that can make a significant impact on their health and well being. Understanding the nutritional requirements and what to feed stray cats is the key to providing effective care. 

what to feed stray cats

Nutritional Requirement Of A Stray Cat

1.Proper protein intake

Stray cats are likely to be more active and exposed to varying weather conditions, therefore their protein intake should be adequate to support their energy levels and overall health. Therefore a diet rich in protein is required for the growth, repair and maintenance of a cat’s body.

2. Fat Intake

Fats help serve the stray cats with the fuel they need for their active lifestyle. Stray cats need extra energy to survive, especially during colder months. By providing healthy fats in their diet we can help keep them warm and maintain their strength.

3. Carbohydrates Intake

Cat’s bodies are designed in a way that they cannot digest large amounts of carbohydrates. They receive a minimal amount of energy from carbs, therefore carbohydrates are not considered to be a primary source of nutrition for cats. Hence a minimal amount of carb can be added to their diet.

4. Vitamins and Minerals

Stray cats might lack access to a diverse diet, so supplementing their food with essential vitamins and minerals could help prevent deficiencies. Vitamins and minerals help with maintaining various psychological functions such as healthy vision and skin.

5. Hydration

This is something which is often overlooked. Clean and fresh water intake is just as important as providing nutritious food. Stray cats might struggle finding a fresh water bowl. You can make it a point to set out bowls of water in a safe location to contribute to their health and overall well being.

What to feed Stray Cats (Without Cat food)

If you do not have access to cat food, you can easily rely on these simple homemade cat food recipes for the stray cats. Some individuals remain uninformed and unknowingly risk the wellbeing of stray cats by offering them whatever they please.

1. simple cooked meat

Cooked meat is an excellent source of protein, fat and other nutrients that is essential for a stray cat. However if not cooked properly the harmful pathogens can make them really sick. Cooked meat is easier for them to digest and it would be great if you can add a little plain rice along with the meat. Also make sure that you feed them boneless meat to avoid choking hazards. Meat could be Chicken, Lamb or Turkey. While stray cats might have a tendency to consume raw meat, let’s ensure that we provide them with cooked meat to prevent any potential adverse consequences.

cooked meat

2. Cooked / Canned Fish

Fish is considered to be a healthy and balanced diet option for stray cats. Fish is also a good source of protein and nutrients that stray cats need. If you come across a stray cat who is sick or malnourished, canned fish is a good choice as it is easy to digest and filled with proteins, Omega 3 and fatty acids which is beneficial for them.

You can go for Tuna, Salmon, Mackerel or Sardines in fish as its strong odor can entice a cautious stray to eat or guide a frail cat towards the food bowl.The canned tuna packs are really salty, due to which few stray cats do not like it. Therefore you can avoid feeding canned tuna packs on a daily basis.

canned fish

3. Boiled Eggs

Eggs are again a great source of proteins and other nutrients which can be added to your stray cat’s diet. The egg yolk’s lecithin content helps in reducing hairball formation. You can either boil, bake or feed scrambled eggs. Eggs are relatively easy for stray cats to digest plus they are cheap and easily available. 

You can hard boil the eggs and chop them into fine pieces for easy consumption. Adding cooked rice or pasta can be an additional source of carbs that can be fed.

boiled eggs

4. Boiled/Steamed vegetables

For veggies you can include carrots, spinach, broccoli, pumpkin, sweet potato and peas.Vegetables are great superfoods which act as antioxidants to help reduce the effect of free radicals in the cat’s body. They also assist with smooth bowel movement and help in calming upset tummies. 

Steamed veggies are best to feed. Well just make sure not to add oil, butter, any kind of seasoning or spices to the veggies while steaming. Also ensure they are cooked until soft to aid digestion.

Boiled Vegetables

5. Homemade broth

You can create simple broths using boiled meat or bones. You can then strain the broth to remove the small bones and offer a flavorful liquid that can entice cats to hydrate.


What to feed Stray Cats? (Commercial Cat food)

Feeding commercial cat food is by far one of the safest and convenient options to feed stray cats. The ready made cat food available in pet stores is the cheapest and can actually be stored for further feeding to stray cats. Also you do not have to be worried about whether the meat or veggies are cooked properly, if you are feeding the cat food since they are formulated with all the essential nutrients required for providing a balanced diet to the stray cat.There are wet food can options readily available as well which you can use to mix with the dry kibbles if you want.

If you ever worry about what to feed stray cats think no further than commercial cat food options.

What not to feed stray cats?

Having learned about the homemade options of what to feed stray cats, it’s vital to also understand what foods to avoid, as these could potentially jeopardize their health.

1.Onion and Garlic

Onion and Garlic can cause gastrointestinal distress and damage to red blood cells in cats which can result in anemia.

2.Spices and seasonings

Onion and Garlic can cause gastrointestinal distress and damage to red blood cells in cats which can result in anemia.

3.Dairy Products

Fats help serve the stray cats with the fuel they need for their active lifestyle. Stray cats need extra energy to survive, especially during colder months. By providing healthy fats in their diet we can help keep them warm and maintain their strength.


Fats help serve the stray cats with the fuel they need for their active lifestyle. Stray cats need extra energy to survive, especially during colder months. By providing healthy fats in their diet we can help keep them warm and maintain their strength.

5.Grapes and Raisins

Fats help serve the stray cats with the fuel they need for their active lifestyle. Stray cats need extra energy to survive, especially during colder months. By providing healthy fats in their diet we can help keep them warm and maintain their strength.

These are the few ingredients you should avoid while feeding stray cats. Dealing with stray cats can be challenging if you are unfamiliar with handling them. To establish a connection and acclimate them to your presence, adhering to a routine or schedule is advisable.

What should be the appropriate quantity you should feed to stray cats?

You can start feeding with small portions first. First example you can first go with half a cup of food and then observe how much they eat at first. You will then get an idea of their appetite and this will also prevent wastage of food.Based on their appetite you can gradually increase their quantity. Stray cats who are healthy and active may consume more food than others.Overfeeding should also be avoided since it may lead to obesity and other health problems.

What to feed stray cats should be complemented with the knowledge of the quantity of the feed itself.

What should be the schedule you should follow for feeding stray cats?

Try to establish a regular feeding routine. Stray cats benefit from consistent meal times as it helps them anticipate food availability.You can consider feeding stray cats twice a day, preferably at dawn and dusk.Pay attention to when they are most active and present in the area.This can help you choose the best times for feeding.The most important thing to remember is to provide them access to fresh clean water.This is as important as providing food.Place bowls of water in a safe and easily accessible location for the cats.

Knowing what to feed stray cats along with establishing a dedicated feeding schedule will ensure stray cats who hang around your house don’t miss out on their meals.


Just like our pet cats, it is also our responsibility to take care of stray cats. No doubt they are survivors and more independent, however one can always extend a helping hand to make sure the stray cats do not sleep hungry.