About Us

Welcome to Pups N Fur Pet Care, your ultimate destination for exceptional pet care and companionship. We believe that pets are more than just animals; they are cherished members of our families, deserving the best love and care. Our mission is to provide unparalleled support, resources, and services to enhance the well-being of your furry friends and strengthen the bond you share with them.

our story


meet cookie

Cookie is a loveable, caring and a big time foodie just like all pugs He came into our life in the year 2015. This is where our journey of connecting with pets and understanding their requirements started. In the last 8 years of our roller coaster pet parenting life we really understood what a pet needs through out his/her life. 

What we offer

Product Reviews: Making informed decisions about pet products can be overwhelming. We conduct thorough reviews of pet essentials, from food and toys to accessories and grooming tools, to help you choose the best for your furry friend.

Pet Care Advice: We provide you with accurate and up-to-date information on pet health, behavior, training, nutrition, and more. We understand that each pet is unique, and our advice is tailored to meet the specific needs of your beloved companion.

our promise

At PNF Pet Care, we are committed to transparency, empathy, and excellence in everything we do. We pledge to:

Empower You: We believe that informed pet owners make the best decisions. We are dedicated to equipping you with the knowledge and resources you need to provide the highest standard of care for your pets.

Celebrate the Bond: The love between pets and their owners is one of life’s most precious connections. We celebrate this bond by sharing stories, tips, and experiences that inspire deeper connections and happier lives.

Support Diversity: Our platform is a safe and inclusive space for all pet lovers. We recognize that pets come in all shapes, sizes, and species, and we celebrate the diversity that enriches the world of pet ownership.


Drop us a mail at pupsnfurr@gmail.com if you have any queries or suggestions as we are always ready to hear you.