9 Effective ways to clean Dog teeth naturally

How to clean dog teeth naturally

When it comes to your pet friend, dental care might not initially top the list of priorities for you. Yet, just like humans, a staggering 80 % of dogs encounter dental issues. Hence, it is essential to clean a dog’s teeth as part of their grooming routine.

Unlike us, dogs can’t vocalize discomfort from dental issues, which will often lead to consequences such as severe gum diseases. And if unattended these conditions can escalate to life threatening situations, underscoring the critical need for proactive dental care for your dog.

While a vet’s thorough cleaning is advisable for serious tartar build-up, but let’s be honest, it can be costly and stressful for your dog, especially if it involves anaesthesia.

Thus, adopting daily preventive measures at home becomes paramount in addressing potential problems early on. 

Fortunately, there exists a wealth of uncomplicated and natural methods to naturally care for your dog’s teeth, offering a proactive approach to maintaining their dental health.

How to clean dog teeth naturally at home

While professional cleanings are beneficial, incorporating natural methods into your routine can significantly contribute to your dog’s oral health. Here we help you out with simple yet effective ways to naturally clean your dog’s teeth.

1. Brushing your dog’s teeth using toothpaste

Brushing your dog’s teeth with specialized dog toothpaste and a suitable toothbrush is a cornerstone of maintaining their oral health. The reason for asking you to go for a dog specific toothbrush is that they are designed in a way which can help in plaque removal, and they can navigate the contours of their teeth, also enabling access to hard to reach areas.

You can start the brushing process by employing gentle circular motions. This technique efficiently eliminates plaque, promoting swift and effective cleaning. Initially introducing a toothbrush to your dog’s routine may pose a challenge.

To ease them into the experience, consider massaging their gums with your finger during relaxed moments, gradually acclimating them to the sensation.

Once your dog becomes accustomed to this initial step, gradually introduce the brush. Start from the back, employing soft circular motions along the teeth and gum line, gradually working towards the front. A recommended guideline involves dedicating 30 seconds to each side, top and bottom for a regular clean.

2. Using Dental Wipes

This is considered to be the most convenient and effective method that can be used hassle free. Unlike brushes that may dry out, dental wipes for dogs remain moist, ensuring consistent usage without concern for moisture loss. 

While dental wipes aren’t as comprehensive as tooth brushing or professional dental cleanings, they serve as a valuable option, especially for dogs averse to tooth brushing or those unwilling to cooperate. Integrating dental wipes into the dental care routine can notably enhance overall oral hygiene, complementing other preventive measures.

The frequency of using dog dental wipes can vary depending on your dog’s size and your schedule. These wipes help in removing dental bacteria and improve your dog’s breath.

You can opt for dental wipes that are formulated with natural ingredients and devoid of harsh chemicals. You should always read the label before opting for one.

3. Dental Chews

Incorporating dental chews into your dog’s play time offers a dual purpose- offering entertainment and subtly promoting natural teeth cleaning. These chews serve as an ingenious solution, especially if your dog resists traditional brushing methods.

Dental chews are designed in a way that includes textured surfaces with bumps and grooves, strategically crafted to aid in plaque removal when rubbed against the teeth and gums during play. Some toys are exclusively engineered for dental hygiene, accentuating the cleaning process.

You have to consider your dog’s preferences and chewing habits before selecting an appropriate dental chew. You can opt for durable toys that maintain their allure over time, encouraging prolonged chewing sessions.

4. Grapefruit Seed Extract

Grapefruit seed emerges as a potent antimicrobial, frequently featured as a pivotal ingredient in various natural dental sprays. Despite its name, this extract comprises not only the seed but also parts of the grapefruit membrane and pulp. 

Leveraging its antimicrobial properties, diluting the extract and applying it to your dog’s teeth after brushing using a cotton bud can offer additional protection against inflammation and infection.

This natural remedy serves as a supplementary measure to conventional teeth cleaning routines, providing an extra layer of defense against potential oral issues. When considering the utilization of grapefruit seed extract, it’s advisable to dilute it adequately to ensure safe application.

5. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil helps in boosting potent acids renowned for their ability to combat fungus and bacteria, making it a remarkable option for eliminating oral impurities in your dog’s mouth.

Application of a small amount of coconut oil, either directly on a toothbrush or on your finger, provides an effective means to naturally clean your dog’s teeth. This method helps in eliminating oral nasties but also encourages your dog’s participation in their dental care routines.

As an alternative you can try incorporating coconut oil into your dog’s food presents yet another avenue for leveraging its dental benefits. Therefore you can effortlessly use coconut oil into your dog’s dental care routine.

6. Dental Treats

Dental Treats are an exceptional solution for cleaning your dog’s teeth naturally. The act of chewing inherent in these treats plays a pivotal role in maintaining clean teeth. These treats are available in various sizes, flavors, and formulations tailored for different life stages that simplifies your dog’s dental care regimen.

Opt for treats that have natural ingredients, devoid of added sugar, fat, preservatives and gluten. By regularly indulging in these dental treats, your dog engages in an effortless oral hygiene routine, promoting healthier teeth and gums in a manner that aligns with their natural instincts.

7. Feeding a high quality dog food

Selecting a high quality diet for your dog not only contributes to their overall well being but also plays a significant role in promoting healthier teeth. A diet rich in whole foods helps in maintaining stronger teeth, fostering their oral well being.

You need to check the label of ingredients and prioritize foods consisting of meats, vegetables and fruits which will help facilitate a cleaner oral environment. Moreover, considering human-grade dog food further enhances your dog’s dental health. 

Feeding your dog a high quality diet comprising whole foods, devoid of detrimental components, lays the foundation for healthier teeth and gums.

8. Incorporating Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables into the Diet

Striking a balance between treats and high quality, nutritious meals is crucial to safeguard your dog’s dental health. Incorporating crunchy and crispy fruits and vegetables into their diet is a natural approach towards cleaning your dog’s teeth.

Fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots and celery are some crunchy options for your dog. Moreover they are rich in antioxidant vitamins such as Vit C, fortifying gum health and shielding tissues from bacterial infections and cell damage.

By keeping the litter box clean, you will be able to provide your cat with a safe and hygienic space to relieve itself and ensure the overall wellbeing of your entire household.

9. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is packed with antioxidants and helps in boosting effective antibacterial properties. It serves as a formidable ally in preventing tooth decay while also refreshing your dog’s breath.

You can try sprinkling half a teaspoon into their food once a day and can offer notable dental benefits. Apart from dental benefits, Cinnamon also has the ability to slow down food spoilage, enhancing its value in your dog’s diet.

Here you need to be cautious as excessive consumption can contain a compound that is potentially harmful to the liver. Also it is advisable to avoid cinnamon for pregnant dogs or those with bleeding disorders.

Fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots and celery are some crunchy options for your dog. Moreover they are rich in antioxidant vitamins such as Vit C, fortifying gum health and shielding tissues from bacterial infections and cell damage.

By keeping the litter box clean, you will be able to provide your cat with a safe and hygienic space to relieve itself and ensure the overall wellbeing of your entire household.


Following the above ways to clean dog teeth naturally, helps in preventing bad breath or cavities. By implementing these natural methods you are not only promoting cleaner teeth and fresher breath but also contributing to their holistic health.